just a place for me to blag everyones head and clear my own
can be so hard to come across, but it's right there
Published on November 27, 2003 By NellRocker In Music
as a lyric writer for my band, Running with Scissors, i need inspiration so ...well...basically, so i don't suck! But it's so hard to come across, especially if you're looking for it! Heres what i got in case any of you need it, damn i'm generous!

kamakazi pilots/ helmets
how can i miss you if you don't go away?
try and daydream but my mind kept wandering
if you dont do what important to you while youre alive, when will you?
smile and say yes
hope is killing me
i have chronic displeasure with fortune
I tore myself away from the safe comfort of certainties through my love for truth . . . and truth rewarded me.
in just 2 days, tomorrow will be yesterday

havent' really come up a lot so far, give me time! i'll post some lyrics up actually, or poetry, but they are copywrited so don't bother all you plageristic assholes!

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