just a place for me to blag everyones head and clear my own
my friend's idea, i dont wanna take all the credit
Published on November 27, 2003 By NellRocker In Philosophy
My friend, matt, has this theory...

when we die, do we turn into moths? don't be narrow minded, it makes sense! All moths are interested in is following the light...maybe that's Hell. The people that make it to heaven, find the light when they die, follow it and they're in heaven. And maybe the others spend the rest of their sad existence flying clumsily towards a false enigma...a light bulb, then they die and then what? Are they condemned to the real hell...down there? i really don't know, but since matt suggested that to me, it's all i think about when i see a moth! I don't think it's anything that should be immediately dismissed.
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